
Podcast – Episode 4 (Romans 1:8-17 Paul’s Introduction Pt 2)

In this episode of the Take Up The Sword Podcast, Ryan moves beyond Pauls’s opening salutation and into the introduction of why the apostle wrote the letter, looking at the motives behind why Paul is writing, how he had longed to visit the Roman church for some time, and the over-arching theme of the entire Epistle.

Some of the resources used for this episode:

H.A. Ironside – Lectures on the Epistle to the Romans

Adam Clarke – Commentary on the Bible

Jamieson, Fausset & Brown – Commentary on the Whole Bible

Steven Runge – High Definition Commentary on Romans

You can listen to the Take Up The Sword Podcast on any of the following platforms: AnchorSpotifyBreakerGoogle PodcastsPocket CastsRadioPublic, and Stitcher. (We are still waiting for approval from Apple Podcasts, but hope to be on there soon!)

You can help to support the Take Up the Sword Podcast by donating HERE.
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