
Make This Mistake and Lose Your Right to Lead | EntreLeadership

The secret to success is not about the lowest price or biggest ad budget. Dave shares what it takes to get your team on board to win.

Source: Make This Mistake and Lose Your Right to Lead | EntreLeadership

For those of you who follow me on Facebook you may have seen a video post by Gary Vaynerchuk with a very similar message…


While the Gary V. Video was about how to deal with your customers/followers, The above video from Dave Ramsey is about caring for your employees. Even in the digital world that we live in right now, where human interaction is seeming more and more like an inconvenience, we as humans CRAVE to be known and cared for.

I hope the video clip above is a great reminder to managers and authority figures like it was to me on how to treat your employees and/or those you have been charged with leading.

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